Baby Shower Games: Fun Activities for an Unforgettable Celebration

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Written By DonaldMoon

To enlighten, engage, and empower parents and caregivers with valuable information and a supportive community.





Baby showers are all about celebrating new beginnings, showering the mom-to-be with love, and making memories that will last a lifetime. But let’s face it, no baby shower is complete without some entertaining games to keep the guests engaged and laughing! Whether you’re planning a simple, intimate gathering or a grand celebration, the right games can make all the difference. Let’s dive into some of the most engaging baby shower games that will bring out the smiles and friendly competition at your event!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Baby Shower Games Are Important
  3. Classic Baby Shower Games
    • Baby Bingo
    • Guess the Baby Food
    • Diaper Derby
  4. Fun & Interactive Games
    • The Price is Right: Baby Edition
    • Baby Photo Match
    • Who’s That Baby?
  5. Games That Get the Whole Group Involved
    • Mom or Dad Quiz
    • Word Scramble
    • Baby Predictions
  6. Quick & Easy Games for Last-Minute Planners
  7. Baby Shower Game FAQs
  8. Conclusion

Why Baby Shower Games Are Important

Baby shower games are more than just entertainment—they break the ice, bring people together, and add a touch of laughter to the celebration. Plus, they give your guests something to talk about, especially if they don’t know each other well. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a bit of friendly competition and the chance to win some cute baby-themed prizes?

Classic Baby Shower Games

When it comes to baby shower games, some classics never go out of style. These games have stood the test of time because they’re simple, fun, and don’t require a lot of preparation.

1. Baby Bingo

This game is a shower staple! Hand out blank bingo cards and have your guests fill in the squares with items they think the mom-to-be will receive as gifts. As she opens each present, guests mark off the corresponding item on their cards. The first one to get five in a row yells “Bingo!”

2. Guess the Baby Food

Take those mysterious jars of baby food and remove the labels. Guests must sniff, taste (if they’re brave enough), and guess the flavor. You’ll be surprised how tricky this game can get—and how funny the reactions are!

3. Diaper Derby

Diapering a baby is an art, but can your guests handle the pressure? Blindfold your guests, give them a baby doll, and time them as they attempt to put a diaper on. The fastest diaper change wins the prize, but the funniest attempts might just steal the show!

Fun & Interactive Games

Now that we’ve covered the classics, let’s explore some games that will get everyone up and moving. These interactive games can be the highlight of your baby shower and bring out the competitive spirit in your guests!

1. The Price is Right: Baby Edition

Create a list of common baby items, from diapers to pacifiers, and have your guests guess how much each item costs. Whoever comes closest to the actual price without going over wins the game! It’s a fun and informative way to give everyone a glimpse into how much life with a baby really costs.

2. Baby Photo Match

Before the shower, ask guests to send in baby photos of themselves. During the party, pin the photos to a board and have everyone guess which guest is in each picture. You’ll hear plenty of stories and laughter as people try to figure out who’s who.

3. Who’s That Baby?

Show baby pictures of famous celebrities or public figures and see who can correctly identify the most. This game is great for groups who love pop culture and celebrity trivia!

Games That Get the Whole Group Involved

If you’re looking for games that everyone can enjoy at once, these group games are a surefire way to create some camaraderie and maybe even a few inside jokes!

1. Mom or Dad Quiz

This game is all about seeing how well your guests know the parents-to-be! Create a list of fun facts about the mom and dad, like favorite childhood toys or funny habits, and ask your guests to guess which parent each fact applies to. You can even throw in a few baby-related predictions for fun.

2. Word Scramble

Create a list of baby-related words, but scramble the letters. Your guests will have a limited time to unscramble the words, and the person with the most correct answers wins. It’s quick, easy, and gets everyone thinking!

3. Baby Predictions

Pass out cards to each guest and ask them to predict things like the baby’s birth date, weight, and hair color. Once the baby arrives, the mom-to-be can see who was closest!

Quick & Easy Games for Last-Minute Planners

Sometimes life gets busy, and you don’t have time to plan elaborate games. Don’t worry—we’ve got some quick and easy baby shower games that require minimal preparation but deliver maximum fun!

  • Name That Tune: Lullaby Edition: Play short clips of popular lullabies and ask guests to guess the name of the song.
  • How Big is the Belly? Have each guest cut a piece of string to the length they think matches the size of the mom-to-be’s belly. Whoever comes closest wins!
  • Pass the Present: Wrap a small prize in multiple layers of wrapping paper. As music plays, guests pass the present around, unwrapping one layer each time the music stops. The last person to unwrap the gift wins!

Baby Shower Game FAQs

Q: How many games should I plan for a baby shower? A: It depends on the length of the shower and the size of the guest list. Generally, three to four games work well to keep everyone engaged without overwhelming them.

Q: Do I need prizes for every game? A: Prizes add a fun incentive, but they don’t have to be extravagant. Simple items like candles, picture frames, or gift cards work great as prizes.

Q: What if my guests aren’t into playing games? A: Not every baby shower needs to be game-heavy. If your group isn’t into traditional games, consider more interactive activities like decorating baby onesies or creating a scrapbook for the mom-to-be.

Q: Can I include virtual guests in the games? A: Absolutely! With the rise of virtual baby showers, many games can be adapted for an online format, like Baby Bingo or Guess the Baby Food (just make sure everyone has their own jar).


Planning a baby shower is all about making the mom-to-be feel special and creating an atmosphere of fun and excitement. With these baby shower games, you’ll be sure to entertain your guests while making memories that everyone will cherish. Whether you go for the classics or try something new, don’t forget that the best part of any baby shower is celebrating the arrival of a new little one with those you love.

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