Ten things to know about water and the global climate crisis

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Written By DonaldMoon

To enlighten, engage, and empower parents and caregivers with valuable information and a supportive community.





Climate change is causing disruptions in weather patterns. This can lead to extreme weather events and unpredictable water availability. It also increases water scarcity and contaminates water supplies. These impacts can have a dramatic impact on the quality and quantity of water children require to survive.

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A change in the climate can be felt today primarily through changes in water. Millions of children are at high risk.

Extreme weather conditions and changes to water cycle patterns make it harder for children with special needs to have safe drinking water.

Between 2001 and 2018, 74% of all natural disasters were water-related. This includes floods and droughts. Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and severity of such disasters.

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An estimated 450 million children live within areas with high or very high water vulnerability. They don’t have enough water to satisfy their daily needs.

Disasters can cause water shortages or contamination, which can lead to cholera and Typhoid, which are especially dangerous for children.

Rising temperatures

Can cause deadly pathogens to develop in freshwater sources making it unsafe for people to drink.

Children’s lives are at risk from contaminated water. Children under five years of age are most likely to die from water-related diseases and other sanitation related illnesses.

Over 700 children below 5 years old die every day from diarrhoea due to insufficient water, sanitation, and hygiene.

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Climate change can increase water stress in areas with very limited water resources. This can lead to increased water competition and even conflict.


Nearly one in four children will be living in areas with high levels of water stress by 2040.

Rising sea levels are making fresh water saltier, which is threatening the water resources that millions of people depend on.

Climate change is now.

Water is an important part of the solution. Children’s lives and health will be saved by adapting to climate change’s water effects. Water efficiency and the transition to solar-powered water systems will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect children’s futures.

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Water smart is a must for the world. We cannot afford to delay in recognizing that everyone has a part to play.