Ten Baby Care Tips For New Parents

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Written By DonaldMoon

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Ten Baby Care Tips For New Parents

The first few months are critical for babies. The responsibility for newborns increases as they depend on their parents for everything. You can learn how to care for newborn babies quickly by mastering proper baby care techniques. These are the top 10 things you should do:

1. Breastfeeding the newborn baby

Babies seem to feed almost every hour during the first few days. Slowly, however, they will become more settled in their breastfeeding habits and they will be able to eat when and how long they want. Soon, they will have shorter but more frequent breastfeeding sessions. If they are hungry, you can tell if they’re:

  • Are you restless?
  • Get their hands
  • Root (turn their heads, open their mouths and turn their roots)
  • Make murmuring sounds
  • Rooting is when they turn their heads and open their mouths.

2. Be sure to do things the right way

You must be gentle with your newborn. Their neck muscles aren’t fully developed. Your baby should be placed on your shoulder. You can also place your hand on the neck and head of your baby when you pick him up. You can also place your baby’s head into one of your elbow coves, and then use your other hand for his bottom.

3. Learn to understand the needs of your crying baby

Your baby’s only way of communicating is through crying. You can observe your baby if he’s crying more than usual and help him understand the pain. Your baby should be crying because of

  • He longs to go to bed.
  • He is hungry
  • He’s bored and in need of attention
  • He would like his pacifier
  • He feels too hot or too cold
  • He has a blocked nasal passage
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4. Changing diapers or nappies

A new baby needs a clean diaper every day. There are risks to your baby’s health if you leave them in a wet or dirty diaper too long. Yes, bacteria found in urine and stool can cause infections, nappy-rash, and sore skin. Baby rashes can be prevented by using high-quality baby care products like breathable diapers and soft wipes as well as zinc oxide-based baby creams and diaper rash powder.

5. Baby bathing

Your newborn baby care regimen does not require you to bathe your baby every day. In the first few weeks, you can wash your baby’s face, neck and bottom. You can also give them a sponge bath once in a while. Once their umbilical cords are removed and their navel is healed, they will transition to regular baths.

6. Massage routine

Massaging your baby can have many benefits. It helps to relax them, calms them when he is cranky, improves his sleeping patterns and strengthens your relationship with him. After a bath, nap, or wash, you can give your baby a 20-30 minute oil massage. When massaging your newborns, use gentle and slow strokes.

7. Proper clothing is essential

Comfortable clothing is essential for your newborn. Avoid wearing dresses that have buttons, hooks, or bows. Avoid fancy dresses, shiny fabrics, and t-shirts that pull down over your baby’s head. Jabla and cotton fabrics are good options for little ones.

8. Talk, touch, and bond with your baby

There are many ways that new parents can bond emotionally with their children. You can start by making eye contact, talking and skin-to-skin contacts to establish a bond. Talking, breastfeeding, holding your baby in your arms, stroking your backs and responding to your needs are all great ways to help your child develop their brain.

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9. Let them rest well

Some babies can sleep for hours, while others may only need brief naps. You can create a bedtime routine that works for your baby from 7 to 8 weeks.

  • Reduce the number of day-time naps
  • Dim the lights
  • Read a bedtime story
  • Talk not near the baby
  • Sing a lullaby

10. Select the best baby care products

Consider safety and quality standards when choosing baby care products. Avoid products with chemicals, artificial fragrances, and unnecessary additives. To ensure you purchase the best baby products, follow the checklist below:

  • Select products that are exclusively for babies
  • Make sure that your products are free from dyes, phthalates and parabens
  • Hypoallergenic products are better because they don’t cause allergy symptoms.
  • Look for biodegradable diapers
  • Choose plastic-free toys, cutlery and other items

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